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Book valuation
Mike Storey

Mike Storey

Mike Storey - Head of Professional Services, Associate Partner

St Neots

Mike has been with Brown&Co since 11 th March 2019 and holds the position of Head of Professional Services. Mike has extensive knowledge of commercial landlord and tenant law and good knowledge of English property law.

Mike is a registered valuer and has good experience at producing RICS Red Book

Mike is able to build upon incomplete information from a client to allow the terms of an occupation to be assembled to create the basis for a valuation to be carried out for required purpose and have worked for freehold property owners with sitting occupiers or with vacant possession and have provided comprehensive property advise to landlords and tenants.

Mike and his team manage a portfolio of commercial property for a number of clients and have a good track record in increasing the revenue income from sites, most recently doubling the income from a craft centre as well as successfully introducing a service charge.

Prior to joining Brown&Co, Mike has worked in both the private and public sectors in
Scotland and Northern Ireland as well as England and Wales. After a career change, Mike returned to the property industry and spent the next 23 years of his life working in local government running large portfolios. In the latter instance, Mike grew the revenue stream from the portfolio from £1.35M to £6.35M of which circa £4M was operating profit. On retiring from the Council, Mike joined Brown&Co.

Mike holds an honours degree in Land Management and has been a member of the RICS since 1982. His father was a Chartered Surveyor and a Partner in a large surveying practice in Leicester.

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