- L-shaped parcel of potential Development Land situated to the rear of The Exeter Arms Public House & Restaurant and adjacent to the Sharman's Agricultural Machinery Dealership
- Level site accessed via existing private drive off the A43 Stamford Road.
- Stamford Town Centre and North and Southbound carriageways of the A1 within close proximity.
- Site available on an Unconditional or Conditional upon Planning basis.
Stamford Road, Easton-on-the-Hill, Stamford, PE9 3NS
L-shaped parcel of potential Commercial Development Land situated to the rear of The Exeter Arms Public House & Restaurant and adjacent to the Sharman's Agricultural Machinery Dealership facing onto the A43 Stamford Road.
Level site accessed via existing private drive off the A43 Stamford Road.
Stamford Town Centre and North and Southbound carriageways of the A1 within close proximity.
Site available both for a Joint Venture Development Scheme or on an Unconditional or Conditional upon Planning basis.
About this property
Detailed Description
The site comprises an L-shaped parcel of land which is broadly level extending to approximately 0.90 acres (0.364 hectares) located off an existing and privately-owned driveway from Stamford Road serving The Exeter Arms Public House & Restaurant together with the Sharman's Agricultural Machinery Dealership immediately adjacent to the site. These uses, we believe, make the site suitable for Commercial and potentially Residential Development on a subject to planning basis and where our clients, who own the site together with The Exeter Arms Public House & Restaurant adjacent and are supportive of development.
The site is well-located close to both the centre of Stamford and the A1 and there is a shortage of small to medium sized Industrial/Storage Units in and around Stamford on both a freehold and leasehold basis. The site is Green Field having been previously used as Paddock Land and there should be no adverse ground conditions or contamination issues, but any potential purchaser must make their own investigations in this regard absorbing all associated costs as part of their offer submission.
Our client will consider selling the site on either an Unconditional or Conditional upon Planning basis.
The property is situated to the rear of The Exeter Arms Public House & Restaurant located on the A43 Stamford Road on the outskirts of the village of Easton-on-the-Hill which is approximately 3 miles from the centre of the Market Town of Stamford.
The North and Southbound carriageways of the A1 are located within 0.5 miles of the site.
Stamford has a resident population of approximately 20,000 people with the Town benefitting from a Main Line Rail Connection to London Kings Cross with a fastest journey time of approximately 75 minutes.
We understand that mains electricity, water and drainage are available for connection to the site from Stamford Road, however, interested parties are to make their own enquiries with the relevant Statutory Authorities prior to submitting an offer to acquire this site. We understand that mains gas is not available in this location.
Please contact the Sole Selling Agents to arrange an inspection of the site:
Brown & Co
5 Oakwood Road
Tel: 01522 457800
James Cameron
01522 457172
07768 465753
The asking price quoted herein is exclusive of, but may be liable to VAT at the prevailing rate and you are advised to clarify the position regarding VAT prior to making an offer to acquire this site.
Legal Costs
Each party will be responsible for their own legal and professional costs incurred in any transaction negotiated.
We would recommend that potentially interested parties contact the Planning Department at East Northamptonshire District Council regarding any proposals that they may have for this site, noting that the Local Authority concerned have previously granted Outline Planning Permission for the erection of a Wedding and Conference Venue and associated Overnight Accommodation and Hardstanding on this site on 31st August 2018 under Reference: 18/00569/OUT. Tel: 01832 742000.
Easements, Wayleaves & Rights of Way
The site is sold subject to, and with the benefit of, all existing obligations and rights, including rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water, electricity and other obligations, easements, quasi-easements and all wayleaves whether referred to or not within the Sales Particulars.
Unconditional and Conditional upon Planning basis offers in excess of £500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand Pounds) are sought for the freehold interest in the land with vacant possession to be provided upon completion.
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