Strategic planning
Strategic development is complex, but managing the risks and maximising the rewards, mean it is worth taking the trouble to get it right.
Brown&Co bring a wide range of expert professionals together to solve complex and challenging development projects for our clients. We translate these complex and multi-layered questions into cohesive, robust, and positive approaches to help move our clients forward in their business objectives.
We understand the market and we are creative, allowing our teams to deliver projects effectively, with proven outcomes using lateral problem solving from our extensive experience. Our mix of professional capability and industry knowledge means we act objectively in the presentation of viable alternatives to industry wise solutions.
With chartered professionals across planning, design, development, and commercial property sectors we know how to help maximise value and limit risk on individual projects, or through wider portfolio positions.
With in-house planning, masterplanning and strategic project experts, we have the capability to answer wide ranging issues at the formation of a potential development. This helps us identify need, minimise risk and guide clients in establishing market specific requirements. This ensures that project delivery outcomes are well aligned to original need. This is whilst keeping a firm eye on the direct benefit to the client financially and from a legacy perspective.
Within the wider organisation of over 300 staff, having doubled in size inside the last decade, we hold insight and knowledge giving our clients whole business access, regardless of specific office teams or geographical locations.
Our work covers private clients, landowners, business, and corporate entities along with local authorities and government institutions. This work includes strategic energy, infrastructure and development schemes which are recognised regionally and nationally. Some of our more recognisable clients include HS2, Network Rail, Orbit, Clarion, DEFRA, amongst others.
Our teams readily engage fully with clients to ensure that we are informed as to the nature of client’s project requirements, portfolios, programmes, and delivery requirements. We are also aware of external market conditions which impact possible project outcomes. We support our clients in making effective and concise evaluations, to ensure robust decision making follows.
Due to the nature and scale of our projects, we are also acutely aware of the wider impact these have on local communities and economies. We are adept in managing complex stakeholder groups, engaging with new communities and areas which might be affected and, can provide positive interplay between these and the project at hand.
Our business is regionally based but individually focused, dedicated to our clients, with strength in depth which can be called upon in the pursuit of the best possible outcomes for our clients. We are focused on an added value position for our clients and understand that it is important to remain objective when delivering strategic development schemes and strategies.