- Well situated on an established industrial estate
- Conveniently situated adjacent to the A14
- 7 parking spaces to the front of the unit
- Store and staff room to the rear
- Minimum eaves height of 7.11m, rising to 8.29m
About this property
Detailed Description
The property comprises a modern, purpose-built trade counter unit of steel portal frame construction, under a profile sheet insulated roof.
Internally the unit provides front trade-counter area with store and staff room to the rear.
The current tenant fit out includes a suspended ceiling in the sales area however the property has a minimum eaves height of 7.11m, rising to 8.29m at the apex.
Externally there are 7 parking spaces and space for loading.
The property is located within the Quantum Business Park in the town of Ipswich, situated approximately two miles north-west of the town centre and 20 miles north-east of Colchester, conveniently adjacent to the A14.
Nearby occupiers include Toolstation, Euro Car Parts, DHL Express, Edmundson Electrical and Screwfix.
The property provides the following Gross Internal floor areas:-
Description sq m sq ft
Industrial Unit 358.9 3,863
Total GIA 358.9 3,863
Business Rates
Business rates will be the responsibility of the occupier. The premises have the following assessment:-
Description Warehouse & premises
Rateable Value £37,500
Rates payable for 2024/2025 £18,713
We have not carried out tests on any of the services or appliances and interested parties should arrange their own test to ensure these are in working order.
Strictly by appointment with the sole letting agent
It is understood that VAT is applicable
Legal Costs
Each party will be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in documenting the letting.
The investment is for sale, seeking offers in excess of £450,000, which equates to a net initial yield of 6.36%.
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