About this property
Detailed Description
Crown House briefly comprises a detached 1960's-built 3 storey Office building with frontage to Grantham Street and vehicular
access being provided from Danesgate to the 33 space surfaced Car Park to the rear.
Given the nature of the location and surrounding structures, we believe that undoubted potential exists to either refurbish and
extend (to include potentially increasing the height of the building) or to demolish and redevelop the site in its entirety which extends
to approximately 0.14 hectares (0.346 acres). Lincolnshire County Council, as our client, have deemed Crown House to now be surplus
to requirements and existing staff are due to relocate to alternative Premises in Lincoln in June 2025 when vacant possession will
become available.
Our clients are in possession of a Structural Report which concludes that the building is not constructed of RAAC with the Report having
been carried out in 2022. A copy of said Report is available to potential purchasers upon request through Brown&Co as the Sole
Selling Agents.
There are a number of surrounding structures that are 6 storeys in height, to include Danesgate House to the frontage of the
subject property. We believe that alternative uses such as Student Accommodation, Residential Apartments and Hotel would meet with
the approval of The Planning Department at Lincoln City Council, subject to the relevant surveys being undertaken by the proposed
Developer and acceptable plans to be submitted in terms of Design & Access together with adequate provision of Car Parking, should this be required.
In terms of net internal area, Crown House briefly comprises as follows:
Ground, First & Second - Offices & Premises - 1,350 sq m / 14,525 sq ft
Business Rates
The property may benefit from Small Business Rates Relief which may reduce the rates payable. Please contact the agents for more information.
We understand that mains gas, electricity, water and drainage are either connected to Crown House, or are available for connection
from the adjacent Public Highway. None of the services or appliances that are believed to be connected or available to Crown House have been tested by Brown&Co and prospective purchasers are advised to check upon the adequacy and provision of services and utilities with the relevant Statutory Authorities prior to making an offer to acquire this property.
Strictly by prior appointment the the Sole Selling Agents:
James Cameron
01522 457800
07768 465753
Will Gaunt
01522 457182
07919 694235
We understand that Crown House is not elected for VAT and therefore VAT will not be charged upon any sale price agreed, however, prospective purchasers are advised to clarify the position in this regard prior to making an offer to acquire this property.
Legal Costs
Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in respect of any sale negotiated.
Crown House has a current EPC Rating of C71 valid until 22nd July 2034.
Crown House has been used since construction in the 1960's for Administration / Office purposes and as such has an established
use now covered by Use Class E of The Use Classes Order 2020. We understand that Crown House is not a Listed structure however, is
situated within an established Conservation Area.
We believe that Crown House offers undoubted refurbishment/extension or redevelopment potential for a number of alternative uses as detailed herein and prospective purchasers are advised to discuss planning-related matters with The Planning Department at
Lincoln City Council prior to making an offer to buy this property. Tel: 01522 881188. Our clients will consider both Unconditional and
Subject To Planning offers for this property.
Crown House is assessed under the 2023 Rating List as Offices & Premises with a Rateable Value of £88,500. Prospective purchasers
should check the level of Business Rates payable via The Billing Authority - Lincoln City Council. Tel: 01522 881188.
Offers in excess of £1,500,000 are sought for the freehold interest with vacant possession to be provided upon completion. As detailed
herein, vacant possession will be available in June 2025 following the relocation of existing staff from Crown House to alternative Premises owned by Lincolnshire County Council in the City.
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