Land benefitting from an Outline Planning Consent for up to 50 dwellings
About this property
Detailed Description
The site is located on the western edge of the village of Edwinstowe with road frontage onto Mansfield Road (A6075). The site is well located with good road access to Nottingham (20 miles), Mansfield (8 miles) and Newark (12 miles), and the Annesley Woodhouse junction onto the M1 (15 miles).
The site is green field agricultural land, growing cereal, and root crops. It is an open site rising slightly to the north. The surrounding area is principally that of agricultural land particularly to the north and west behind which is Sherwood Forest and the Major Oak. To its eastern boundary is an existing housing through to which there will be pedestrian, cycling and emergency access onto Lintin Avenue and Thoresby Drive. The Planning Consent has been designed for the housing to be located on the first 2/3 of the site with landscaping and open space to the north overlooking the rural land to the north and west.
The site benefits from an outline planning consent for up to 50 dwellings from Newark & Sherwood District Council. The Planning consent was confirmed in the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th March 2022. The Section 106 Agreement has been signed and summary headline details are below. For the Planning Portal of Newark & Sherwood District Council the Planning Application Reference Number is 21/02094/OUTM. In addition a data room is be provided by Brown & Co holding a number of supporting documents including:
Document Register
Planning Statement
Drainage Strategy
Transport Statement
Travel Plan
Heritage Statement
Conduit Appraisal
Tree Survey
TOP and Utilities
Geo Physical Survey
Noise Survey
HRA Screening
Section 106 Agreement
Letter of Reliance
For access to the Data Room please contact Shelly Jones on
The Section 106 Agreement has been completed and a copy is in the Data room for inspection. The headline obligations are:
Affordable housing 30% with Affordable Rent @ 52% and Shared Ownership at 48%
Off-site contributions of an education contribution of £193,743 and a Library contribution £1,726
This obligation under the Section 106 Agreement is to create a managed area of land north of the site. The Vendor has submitted a Management Plan for approval. The vendor will manage this area of land and will comply with the obligations set out at Para 1.2 of Part IV to Sch 2 of the Section 106 Agreement by NSDC. The document must be approved before 75% of the dwellings have been occupied. A plan of the SANG can be found in the Data Room.
The land is sold subject to, and with the benefit of, all existing obligations and rights, including rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water, electricity supplies and other obligations, easements, quasi-easements, and all wayleaves, whether referred to or not in these Particulars.
The site is being offered for sale as a whole subject with the benefit of the Outline Planning Consent and with the benefit of vacant possession upon completion.
The documents within the Data Room include a Phase 2 Ground Report which confirms that strip foundations should be adequate for the site. This report can be assigned to the purchaser subject to the usual agreement.
A list of the reports that the vendor will arrange for Letter of Reliance are listed in the Data Room.
Rights of access to connect back into the site for the benefit of the development will be retained both from the north of the site and the west of the site. The seller will ensure that all necessary connection points for roads and services are suitable and adequate and all necessary covenants will be imposed to preserve the potential future development on the sellers retained land.
In accordance with the most recent Anti Money Laundering Legislation, buyers will be required to provide proof of identity and address to the selling agent once an offer has been submitted and accepted (subject to contract) prior to solicitors being instructed.
The site is located on the western edge of the village of Edwinstowe with road frontage onto Mansfield Road (A6075). The site is well located with good road access to Nottingham (20 miles), Mansfield (8 miles) and Newark (12 miles), and the Annesley Woodhouse junction onto the M1 (15 miles).
To view the site please do so on foot only with a copy of these particulars to hand.
Brown & Co
5 Oakwood Road
Doddington Road
Lincoln, LN6 3LH
T: 01522 457800
M: 07768 465725
Contact: Nick Dawes
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