'High street not dying - it's evolving'
Tue 26 Apr 2022
Whilst many think Covid as well as internet shopping and even Brexit have all played a part in the downturn of the retail sector, Mr Cottingham reckons there’s plenty of life left in town centres like St Neots.
He can see first-hand how the high street is changing because he’s helping to let or sell the units as they become empty.
“I’ve been responsible for at least 12 sales or lettings of shop units with many more currently in the pipeline. Some of these are with independent businesses, others are larger corporate firms.
“What is interesting is the variety of new business choosing to come into St Neots – ranging from a games hub to a cake shop, coffee shop and a mini market.”
“In years past, a town centre would have had a big store like Woolworths, a jeweller’s, bakery and the good old Wimpy burger bar. Now high streets across the UK are evolving to reflect different pastimes and lifestyles – and St Neots is no different.
“Leisure pursuits are much bigger now in people’s lives, as is eating out; so we are seeing more restaurants and coffee shops take up residence in empty units. Different types of eateries are also now popular with healthier foods and independent business is stronger than ever because of the demand from people choosing to shop local rather than travelling regionally for the big national chains.”
The units Mr Cottingham has sold or let rather than stand empty include two in Market Square, two in Cross Keys Mews and six in the High Street.
For more information contact Phil Cottingham in St Neots on 01480 479089.
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