Jonathan Rush
Jonathan Rush - Land Agent, Divisional Partner, BSc (Hons) MSc MRICS
Jonathan has over 20 years’ experience in Land Agency starting in Estate Management and Valuation in Hampshire before moving back to native East Anglia in 2007 and joining the Norwich office of Brown&Co. Constantly looking to expand his skill set and explore new areas of interest, Jonathan has expanded his work scope to include acting as an Expert Valuer; representing landowners on new road schemes and has developed a specialism in utility and infrastructure projects.
Notable recent infrastructure projects include acting for landowners on the A47 dualling and junction upgrade projects; the Hornsea 3, Vanguard, Boreas, Rampion, Sheringham Shoal and Dudgeon windfarm export cable projects; and the Anglian Water SPA project.
Jonathan is also a partner in his family farm where he attempts to put some of the theory he learns into practice.