Sarah Lucas
Sarah Lucas - Land Agent, Divisional Partner, BA (Hons) MSc MRICS FAAV
Sarah joined Brown&Co in January 2016 after 3 years working as a land agent for a national company based in Sussex with a focus on rural estate management and working for clients with diverse property portfolios.
Originating from a mixed farming background, Sarah now undertakes a variety of professional work specialising in Landlord and Tenant matters, Farm Agency, Valuation and Diversification.
Sarah holds many qualifications, including a First Class degree in BA (Hons) Business Management and Administration, and a Merit in MSc Rural Estate Management. She is also a member of the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (FAAV), aswell as a member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS). Sarah is also a qualified RICS Registered Valuer.