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Unit 19-20, Chestnut Drive, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 9SB
7,515 sq. ft. (698.17 sq. m.)
Per annum exclusive
  • Well situated on an established industrial estate
  • Easy access to the A11
  • Within walking distance to the Town Centre, Railway & Shops
  • Parking for approximately 20 vehicles
  • Minimum eaves height of 5.5m


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About this property

Detailed Description

Unit 19 has had a first floor fitted as air-conditioned offices with access via stairs and a lift. There is a central corridor with offices either side. The ground floor is currently used as an air-conditioned workshop for the dismantling of telephones together with a staff room and kitchenette.

Unit 20 is a mid terrace unit of steel frame construction with brick and block elevations with approximately 20% roof lighting. There is a powder coated concrete floor with a minimum eaves height of approximately 5.5m (18ft).

Access is via the main yard which will be shared and is protected by a palisade security fence and gate which is open via an intercom.

There is car parking for approximately 20 vehicles allocated for 19 and 20.


Wymondham Business Park is situated off the London Road (B1172), just to the south of Wymondham town centre. The Park is ideally situated within minutes of the A11 dual carriageway, which provides easy access to the region's major road network. Norfolk and the A47 are situated 9 miles to the northeast, Cambridge is located 52 miles to the southwest via the A11/A14 and London 105 miles to the south via the A11/M11.

The Wymondham Business Park provides high quality industrial, warehouse and office accommodation within an attractive landscaped setting. Nearby occupiers include Aviform, Wymondham Fire Station and Orchard Toys.


The property provides the following Gross Internal floor areas:-

Description sq m sq ft
Unit 19
Ground floor 232.72 2,505
First floor 232.72 2,505

Unit 20
Ground floor 232.72 2,505
Total GIA 698.18 7,515

Business Rates

Business rates will be the responsibility of the occupier. The premises have the following assessment:-

Description Warehouse & premises
Rateable Value £55,000
Rates payable for 2024/2025 £30,030


We have not carried out tests on any of the services or appliances and interested parties should arrange their own test to ensure these are in working order.


Strictly by appointment with the sole letting agent:-


It is understood that VAT is applicable

Legal Costs

Each party will be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in documenting the letting.


The Property is available to let on full repairing and insuring terms for a term of years to be agreed.

To arrange a viewing contact

The Atrium, St George's Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR3 1AB

07817 648442

01603 598261

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