- Yard and two agricultural buildings with Planning for two residential units
- In all extending to approximately 0.15 hectares (0.37 acres)
BARNS AT KIRKHAM'S LANE, Elm, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE14 0LF
Yard and two agricultural buildings with Prior Approval and Full Planning for two residential units
In all extending to approximately 0.15 hectares (0.37 acres)
About this property
Detailed Description
BARNS AT KIRKHAM'S LANE, Elm, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, PE14 0LF
Yard and two agricultural buildings with Prior Approval and Full Planning for two residential units
In all extending to approximately 0.15 hectares (0.37 acres)
Address: Barns at Kirkham's Lane, Elm, Cambridgeshire, PE14 0LF
what3words: ///hits.pastels.bloomers
The property is situated on the south side of Kirkham's Lane, Elm, Wisbech approximately 3 miles south of Wisbech and 15 miles south west of King's Lynn, between the villages of Elm and Emneth.
The yard and buildings sit within a rectangular shaped parcel of land extending to a total area of 0.15 hectares (0.37 acres) with the buildings comprising:
Building A: steel portal frame, block base, concrete floor, corrugated asbestos/fibre cement sheet cladding and roof with a Gross External Area of 168m2 (1,807sq ft).
Building B: timber portal frame, block base, concrete floor, corrugated asbestos/fibre cement sheet cladding and roof with a Gross External Area 177m2 (1,904 sq ft). A timber and metal sheet lean-to adjoins Building B on the eastern elevation extending to circa 72m2 (775 sq ft).
The yard has a mains supply of single phase electricity with a new water supply required for the development which can be sourced on the roadside along the northern boundary.
In May 2023 Fenland District Council granted Prior Approval for a change of use from agriculture to residential on Buildings A and B under Planning Reference: F/YR23/0278/PNC04.
In January 2024 a Full Planning Application was approved under Planning Reference F/YR23/0927/F for the change of use for domestic purposes of the yard and land around the buildings, as well as the creation of two new access points to Kirkham's Lane and the demolition of an old brick building.
Now that residential use has been established and accepted by the Local Planning Authority a Fallback Application could be submitted to the Council to obtain Full Planning Permission for 1/2 new dwellings
on the site.
The current owners are selling the adjoining farm yard and land to the south and east of this offering. A right of access through the existing farm yard as well as a right of access for construction of the development will be granted to a buyer until the development is complete.
Business Rates
The property may benefit from Small Business Rates Relief which may reduce the rates payable. Please contact the agents for more information.
To arrange a viewing contact

Market Chambers, 25-26 Tuesday Market Place, King's Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 1JJ

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