William Higgins
William Higgins - Agricultural Business Consultant, Senior Associate, BSc (Hons)
St Neots
Will Joined Brown&Co in 2019 after graduating from Harper Adams University with a BSc (Hons) degree in Agriculture. Based from the St Neots office he covers all areas of Agri-Business Consultancy, including Enterprise Benchmarking, Capital Grant Applications, Environmental Schemes, Business Appraisals and Budgeting & Cash Flow Forecasting for Agri-diversification projects.
Will leads on government carbon auctions, maintaining Brown&Co’s position as the largest WCaG Project Developer, and is heavily involved in arable land-use conversion to large scale non-native plantations in East Anglia, working with the Forestry Commission and a city asset fund.
Will is a member of the British Institute of Agricultural Consultants (BIAC) and has significant industry experience in the UK egg sector through involvement in his family farm in Leicestershire, as well as previous employment on a large scale integrated arable and egg business in Shropshire.