Landlords urged to act now on Government's tenant guide
Fri 24 Mar 2023
Landlords face a minefield of legislation that is constantly changing which they need to comply with and they can so easily fall foul of regulations."
Lesley Levy, Residential Lettings Manager, Norwich.
Landlords were urged today to ensure new tenants receive the Government's revised How to Rent guide.
The amended version released today by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities is a statutory requirement for agents and/or landlords in England to serve at the start of tenancies.
On tenancy renewals or the start of new tenancies, the revised version has to be provided - and if not, there are potentially serious consequences.
Lesley Levy, Residential Lettings Manager in our Norwich office, said: "If landlords do not serve this to new tenants, it can affect their right to give notice to them under Section 21.
"Landlords face a minefield of legislation that is constantly changing which they need to comply with and they can so easily fall foul of regulations which is why it is essential to use a lettings agent to manage it for them.
"We ensure we are up to speed with all the Government's updates and issue the How to Rent guide to tenants as part of fulfilling a raft of other requirements on behalf of landlords.
"Landlords themselves also need to read How to Rent - many think it is just for tenants - to understand the implications."
Rules were brought in eight years ago making it mandatory for tenants to be issued with the information which details everything from understanding what happens when a fixed term tenancy comes to an end to legal rights when things go wrong in a rented property.
The guide has been updated with some information on recent legal changes including the requirement for carbon monoxide alarms to be fitted in every room with a fixed fuel-burning appliance and the requirement for EICRs, Electrical Installation Condition Reports, to be provided to tenants.
It also contains information on fitting smart meters and ensuring the property is suitable if you have a disability.
If you are a landlord and need advice on letting your property, please contact Lesley Levy in our Norwich office on 01603 629871. We have lettings agents across our offices in Holt, King's Lynn, Lincoln and Retford also able to help and for the correct team for you, please see their contact details here
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