- Modern, mid-terraced Industrial/Storage Unit
- GIA approx. 92.2 sq m (992 sq ft). Eaves height approx. 5 m (16 ft 6 in)
- 3phase electricity supply, roller shutter door, office & disabled/unisex WC
- New effective full repairing and insuring lease, term to be negotiated
- Located on an established Business Park close to the A46.
Units 10 Lyndon Business Park, Farrier Road, Lincoln, LN6 3RU
TO LET: £8250 P.A.X. LEASEHOLD | 992 FT (92.2 M)
About this property
Detailed Description
Unit 10 Lyndon Business Park briefly comprise modern, mid-terraced Industrial/Storage Unit built circa 2000 which is of steel portal frame construction with brick and block walls to the base and with profiled and insulated metal cladding above to eaves height as well as to the pitched roof covering which also contain translucent panels. The units benefit from full-height roller shutter doors to the frontage together with a 3 phase electricity supply, office and a disabled/unisex WC facility. The eaves height of is approximately 5 metres (16 ft 6 inches).
Shared Yardage and Parking are provided to the frontage. Lyndon Business Park is fenced and gated to aid security.
Lyndon Business Park is situated off Sadler Road in the established Lincolnfields Commercial area of the City of Lincoln and is located just off the A46 Outer Relief Road which links to the A1 at Newark.
As of the 2011 Census, Lincoln had a population of approximately 93,000, excluding North Hykeham and Waddington, and the City has seen substantial inward investment in the last decade, in particular concentrating on the areas around the University of Lincoln and at Teal Park which is situated in close proximity to Lyndon Business Park and which is home to Siemens.
Unit 10 provides the following accommodation and have been measured on a gross internal area basis:
Description Sq M Sq Ft
Industrial/Storage Unit 92.2 992
Mezzanine/Office 9.9 107
Business Rates
Having carried out an online search via The Valuation Office Agency website, we believe that Unit 10 Lyndon Business Park is assessed under the 2023 Rating List as a Store & Premises with a Rateable Value of £6,700.
Subject to the ingoing tenant meeting certain criteria, it is possible to claim up to 100% exemption from the payment of Business Rates utilising the Government's Small Business Rate Relief Initiative.
We would recommend that prospective tenants contact Lincoln City Council to ascertain the level of Business Rates payable in respect of the property and the potential for claiming exemption for part or all of the liability. Tel: 01522 881188.
We understand that the property benefits from connection to mains electricity with 3 phase supply, water and drainage. We have not carried out any tests on any of the services or appliances within the property and prospective tenants are advised to arrange for their own tests to ensure that the services and utilities are in good working order prior to making a commitment to take a new lease in respect of the property.
Strictly by prior appointment with the Sole Agents:
Brown & Co
5 Oakwood Road
Tel: 01522 457800
William Gaunt
01522 504322
The asking rent quoted above is exclusive of, but may be liable to VAT at the prevailing rate and prospective tenants should check the position regarding VAT prior to making an offer to take a new lease in respect of the property.
Legal Costs
Each party will be responsible for their own legal costs in respect of preparing any new lease negotiated.
Unit 10 previously been used for Industrial/Storage purposes and therefore has an established use now covered by Use Class E of The Use Classes Order 2020. This allows the property properties to be used for Light & General Industrial purposes as well as for Storage.
We would recommend that potentially interested parties make their own planning-related enquiries via the Planning Department at Lincoln City Council. Tel: 01522 881188.
The property has an EPC rating of E106.
The property is available by way of a new effective full repairing and insuring lease for a term to be negotiated.
Unit 10 at Lyndon Business Park is available at a rent of £8250 exclusive of VAT at the appropriate rate. The rent will be fixed for the first 3 years of any lease term negotiated.
A monthly service charge payment will be made by the ingoing tenant to the landlord to cover a proportion of the landlords costs associated with maintaining the common external areas at Lyndon Business Park. Buildings insurance will also be payable by the ingoing tenant to the landlord annually in advance. The current buildings insurance premium and service charge budget appropriate to each Unit is available via Brown & Co as Sole Agents upon request.
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