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Suite 6 Pattinson House, East Road, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7EQ
231 sq. ft. (21.46 sq. m.)
Per annum exclusive
  • Total NIA approximately 231 sq ft per suite
  • On-site shared communal car parking
  • Shared kitchen and WC facilities
  • Office suites 4, 8 & 8a available by separate negotiation

Suite 6 Pattinson House, East Road, Sleaford NG34 7EQ

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About this property

Detailed Description

Pattinson House briefly comprises a detached two storey structure accessed immediately off East Road via a privately-owned Estate Road in the ownership of our landlord clients.

The Office Suites within Pattinson House are arranged over Ground and First Floors served via a personnel lift thereby offering DDA Compliance and benefit from individual entry phones, central
heating, suspended ceilings and shared Kitchen and WC facilities (with disabled provision). Allocated parking is provided to the frontage. Office Suite 4 is on the first floor and Office Suites 8 & 8A are located on the ground floor and are available by separate negotiation.


Pattinson House is situated to the North East of the centre of the Market Town of Sleaford in close proximity to the A17 Dual Carriageway which bypasses the Town.
As of the 2011 Census, Sleaford had a resident population of approximately 17,000 people with the Town being located approximately 18 miles from the Market Town of Boston and
approximately 17 miles from the Market Town of Newark. The City of Lincoln is located approximately 18 miles to the North


Suite 6 - 21.5 sq m (231 sq ft)


For further information or to arrange a viewing please contact
William Gaunt
01522 504322 / 07919 694235

To arrange a viewing contact

Brown&CoJHWalter, 5 Oakwood Road, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN6 3LH

07919 694235

01522 504322

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