- Under an Option Agreement with BDW Trading Limited.
- SKDC Local Plan under review.
- Representations have been made by Barratt David Wilson
- Adjoining a popular and sought after village
109.60 Acres (44.30 Hectares
Under an Option Agreement with BDW Trading Limited.
SKDC Local Plan under review.
Representations have been made by Barratt David Wilson
Adjoining a popular and sought after village.
About this property
Detailed Description
The site is located on the western side of the popular village of Harlaxton, as well as having good road frontage onto the A607. The site wraps around the western end of Harlaxton with a second road frontage to the south of the site onto Swine Hill.
The site is farmland with a mixture of arable and grass land. The site rises at the southern end and abuts residential development to the east. The village of Harlaxton benefits from the following facilities:
Harlaxton C of E Primary School
Welby Practice Doctors Surgery
Sports & Social Club
Village Hall
St Mary & Peter's Church
The Gregory Inn Public House
A village shop and Post Office
Harlaxton Recreation Ground and Cricket Pitch
Play Area
Harlaxton Business Park
Bus Stops
The main terms of the Option Agreement are:
Start date - 9th May 2021
Duration - 5 years plus 5 years plus 5 years
Option fees - 2nd and 3rd 5 years £30,000 each plus RPI
Minimum land value - £175,000 per NDA plus indexation using Savills Development Land Index.
Discount to Open Market Value - 15%
Planning cost cap - £300,000
Appeal cap - £150,000
As these reports have been instructed by BDW they do not want them publicly available, however the following documents will be available to the agreed purchaser to as part of their due diligence process.
Copy of the Option Agreement
Harlaxton Promotion Document 1 and 2 by Barratt David Wilson
Transport Assessment
Winter bird survey
Services and Facilities plan
Illustrative master plan option 1 and 2
Sketch Framework option 1 and 2
South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) are in the process of reviewing their local plan. Their initial proposal for draft allocations has been published. Further consideration by SKDC will be undertaken as part of their regulation 18 stage.
The South Kesteven District Local Plan (2011-2023) outlines a settlement hierarchy to address the District's growth. Harlaxton is identified as one of the 16 Larger Village tier of the hierarchy (4th most sustainable Larger Village as defined by SKDC). Harlaxton is in a unique position compared to the majority of Larger Villages due to its close proximity to the range of shops, services and facilities offered in Grantham (the largest and most sustainable settlement in the District.
The land is sold subject to, and with the benefit of, all existing obligations and rights, including rights of way, whether public or private, light, support, drainage, water, electricity supplies and other obligations, easements, quasi-easements, and all wayleaves, whether referred to or not in these Particulars.
The site is being offered for sale unconditionally and subject to vacant possession on all but the blue hatched land. The blue hatched area is tenanted via an oral tenancy agreement. By acquiring the site and gaining a planning consent on the whole of the blue hatched land a split reversion will be triggered allowing vacant possession to be achieved.
In accordance with the most recent Anti Money Laundering Legislation, buyers will be required to provide proof of identity and address to the selling agent once an offer has been submitted and accepted (subject to contract) prior to solicitors being instructed.
To view the site please do so on foot only, and without damaging the crop. Please have a copy of these particulars to hand when visiting the site.
Brown & Co
5 Oakwood Road
Doddington Road
Lincoln, LN6 3LH
T: 01522 457800
M: 07768 465725
E: nick.dawes@brown-co.com
Contact: Nick Dawes
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