- For Sale by Live Stream Auction 26th February 2025
- Around 3.35 acres of grassland with mature trees
- Countryside views
- Currently run as a caravan and camping site
- Potential for a variety of amenity uses (STP)
- Buyers Fee £900 + VAT
For Sale by Live Stream Auction 26th February 2025 - Around 3.35 acres of grassland with mature trees - Countryside views - Currently run as a caravan and camping site - Potential for a variety of amenity uses (STP) - Buyers Fee £900 + VAT
About this property
Detailed Description
Around 3.35 acres of grassland with mature trees and wonderful countryside views. The site has been run as a small exempted Camping & Caravan Certified Site for many years, but may offer a variety of amenity uses subject to the necessary planning consents.
From Heighington follow the High Street out of the village onto
Fen Road. Then turn right onto Brinkle Springs Lane and the
land can be found on the right hand side after around half
a mile.
The site has to adhere to strict operating guidelines. There can only be a maximum of 5 caravans and 10 tents for a max of 28 days at any one time.
The land is accessed via a pedestrian and vehicular right of way over a well made access track through the adjoining woodland.
We understand the site offers two water supplys, but does not currently have any electric to the site. There are three tanks underground. 2 x IBC's which have been used for caravan chemical waste and one 1800 lt tank that has not been used.
Tenure & Possession
Freehold with vacant possession upon completion.
Strictly by appointment with the Auctioneers. Tel: 01522 504360
Completion Date
This lot will be sold with a 10% deposit and up to 4 weeks for completion.
Auction Bidder Identity Check
Prior to bidding on any auction lots we are required to verify the identity of the bidder to comply with The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulation 2017. We also need to complete the remote bidding registration process as this will be a live stream event only. Please contact us on 01522 504360 or cpa@brown-co.com
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