Defra FFRF Webinar Recordings
Greg Beeton our FFRF lead, presented the first series of webinars, as part of the Scale Up Phase of the Defra Future Farming Resilience Fund project. The webinars demonstrate how we will support farmers and landowners with FREE advice through until March 2025.
The webinar recordings are all available to view below. We hope they provide you with an overview of the Scale Up Phase part of the project, and more importantly assist you in making an informed decision on which of the interventions available will add the most value to your business.
FFRF Scale Up Phase Launch Webinar | 3rd October 2022
Join Greg Beeton our FFRF lead, in this first in a series of webinars for the FFRF Scale-Up Phase.
Chapters include: About Defra FFRF, Why FFRF?, Findings from the Interim Phase and Our Focused Support Options.
FFRF Finance, Technology & Collaborations Webinar | 19th October 2022
Join Greg Beeton, our FFRF lead, with our Managing Partner, Charles Whitaker & Agri-Business Consultant Divisional Partner, Chris Sheldon, for the second in our series of webinars for the FFRF Scale-Up Phase.
Chapters include: Net Enterprise Margin, Partial Budgets & Grants, Collaborations, Productivity & Planning Tool.
FFRF Greenhouse Gas Footprinting, Natural Capital & Carbon Webinar | 1st November 2022
Join Greg Beeton, our FFRF lead and Brown&Co consultants, Will Higgins & Lottie Hill for the third in our series of webinars for the FFRF Scale Up-Phase.
Chapters include: Environmental Strategy, On-Farm Habitat Assessment, Woodland Creation Financials and Greenhouse Gas Footprinting.
FFRF Tenant Farming Webinar | 23rd November 2022
Join Greg Beeton, our FFRF lead, and a panel of experts including Baroness Kate Rock for our live webinar on Tenant Farming Matters for the fourth in our series of webinars for the FFRF.
Chapters include: Baroness Kate Rock, Tenancy Conversions, Joint Initiatives, Diversifications with Landlords...
FFRF Land and Property Webinar | 12th December 2022
Join Greg Beeton, our FFRF lead and Brown&Co professionals, Lydia Pravin, Matthew Rooke, Gilbert Watchorn and Henry Haworth for the fourth in our series of webinars for the FFRF Scale-Up Phase.
Chapters include: Nutrient Neutrality, Planning Opportunities, Farm Land Market and Renewables.
We hope you find these webinars a useful source of information focusing on the extensive range of advice we are offering as FREE 'On Farm Support' funded by Defra.
To register your interest, contact: defraffr@brown-co.com or call 01480 598869 to speak to a consultant.